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Lock Monkeys Locksmiths Tips For The Holidays.

It's that time of the year again. The Thanksgiving & Christmas season is a great time of year for us and a great time for cons, rip-offs, scammers & thieves to come out of the wood work.

Sadly, it is a time of year that we can't trust anyone it seems. People & businesses will take advantage of you and up their prices just b/c it is that time of year.

It is up to you to make sure you are dealing with the trustworthy and dependable businesses and handyman services. It is the time of year when you have to step up you fact checking and review services on places like YELP, Facebook, Google business, Angies List and other review places. Only you can watch after you and yours.

Here is a few ideas to help you not be taken advantage of or stolen from.

1- NEVER leave stuff out in the open in your vehicles.

2- Never leave your garage open unattended.

3- NEVER post about going out of town publicly.

4- Always read reviews on service you may use.

5- Always use trusted, local, honest, insured & licensed services with locksmiths, plumbers, electricians & handyman services.

6- Watch your streets for strange & unfamiliar people and report them. You can never be too safe.

A lot of people lock keys in the trunk, lock keys in the car, or have their keys stolen or lost. Always call a real trustworthy and proven locksmith service. There are a lot of illegal locksmith services and plumbers, as well as other service providers.

Trust is not found or given, it is earned with time and respect in the community.

Lock Monkeys Locksmith Services wishes you all a very joyful and blessed Holiday & Christmas Season and God bless you all. Call anytime.

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​ is a licensed/certified locksmith company.  

Lock Monkeys Locksmiths are insured - bonded & we require all locksmiths to have full background checks, and are fingerprinted for the safety of our customers and clients. We hold all locksmiths accountable to their skills and require locksmiths to be fully insured and bonded as well as being associated with NCLA.


Lock Monkeys   |   Fort Mill, SC.   |   803-636-6337
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