Express Locksmith Service
Lock Monkey, Express Lockout Service has a Fort MIll Locksmith - Rock Hill & a Charlotte Locksmith near you. We can provide immediate assistance in your time of need. An emergency locksmith situation places you in front of other callers, allowing us to get to you as quickly as possible. If a child is locked in the car, the service is free, within an 8 mile radius of our location. We provide locksmith coverage for any lockout emergency. Whether it is to unlock the house - car or business. Our service is second to none. CALL NOW!

Emergency Locksmith
If you are locked out and have a locksmith emergency and need a locksmith now, we literally drop what we are doing to get to you as quickly as possible. Auto - Home & Businees. Our 24 hour locksmiths take your emergency seriously. We have a locksmith in Fort Mill, a Locksmith in Rock Hill and a Locksmith in Charlottte, NC. We are able to respond quickly and are very reliable. If you are locked out of your car and its cold and wet or storming outside, we can help. Locked keys in car with dog inside, well that can be an emergency if it's hot outside. We love our pets & children. A child locked in the car is no laughing matter and should be taken very seriously. Call Now for service.
24 Hour Locksmith
Our 24 hour locksmith in Fort Mill, SC. is always available when you locked out. Being locked out at night can be dangerous and very scary. Don't trust a con-artist locksmith, who claims to be local. Ask for ID, ask for an up-front quote. A locksmith, even after dark, should never be more than $75 to $100, depending on location. A 24 hour locksmith with a $19 Service & "Starting at" $29 or $35 is most often a bait and switch scam used to by illegal locksmiths to lure you into paying more after they unlock your car. It will cost you more time in the dark and more money, when your locked out call Lock Monkeys.
15 MIn. Response Time
Our Express Lockout Team can get to you within 15 - 20 mins. We are able to get to you quickly because of our local locksmiths in Fort Mill - Rock Hill Locksmith & Charlotte Locksmith service. Don't waste time and money when your locked out. Call us now! Time is important, the quicker you call, the faster we are there when your locked out.