Fake Online Locksmiths Every Where! Beware...
Fake Online Locksmiths May Be Out to Pick Your Pocket, Too Odds are good that when you search Google for someone to help you get into...

Quick And Easy... The Crooks Way.
It is not a great feeling to have your home invaded. It shatters your security and trust in your home, it rips away your comfort and...

SC Department of Consumer Affairs Locksmith Scam Report
The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs (SCDCA) is warning the public about an increasingly prevalent locksmith scams that...

Quick Entry Break-Ins On The Rise?
How quick can someone get in your house? You may be very surprised at the answer and it is all up to you on how easy it can be done. The...

Locking Your Home & Vacation
SECURING DIFFERENT DOOR TYPES Front door with glass: A common way to enter a home is to break a glass window near a door and simply reach...

Summer Vehicle Break-Ins
Summer is in full swing and so are the thieves. People leave their windows down and valuables out in the open. A cracked window is a open...

Trusting A Local Locksmith
When you call a locksmith, you are trusting them with getting into, or securing, what is yours. You are, in a sense, having faith that...

Deadbolts Are For Security
Lock Monkeys recently was given a sheet of break-ins oround our area and about 70% of the invasions were NO FORCED ENTRY. In some of the...

Lock Monkey Tip Of the Day
Want to save a little extra money? If you get locked out your house or even locked out of your car, then this little trick could save...
Love Your Locks!
Being Secure is in your hands and it begins with you. So look at your locks and ask..."Do I love my locks?" I come across so many...